This guide provides step-by-step instructions for configuring your UHF radio to achieve a reliable RTK connection. Follow these steps to ensure optimal performance:
1. Base Radio Configuration
- Access your base station's admin UI.
- Navigate to the "RTK Streaming" tab.
- Click on "Settings."
- Enable the Radio: Toggle the "Radio Disabled" checkbox to "On."
- Configure Radio Settings:
- Frequency: Enter your FCC-assigned frequency.
- Protocol: Retain the default (SATELLINE-3AS) unless using rover radios from a different manufacturer.
- Transmit Power: Adjust based on the required range (higher power = longer range, increased battery consumption).
- Channel Spacing: Keep the default (12.5kHz) unless your rover radios use a different setting.
- Save your settings. The RTK service will restart, and your radio settings will appear in the status card.
- Verify Transmission: The LEDs on the radio should flash at 1-second intervals, indicating data transmission. If the LEDs are not flashing, ensure you have established a base reference coordinate.
2. Rover Radio Configuration
- Consult your rover radio's instructions or manual to configure its settings to match the base radio settings from Step 1.
- SATEL Compact Proof Instructions
- Verify Signal Reception: Most rover radios indicate signal reception through flashing LEDs or an LCD indicator.
3. Establish Communication between Rover Radio and GNSS Receiver
- Serial Connection:
- Connect cable between the radio and GNSS receiver.
- Ensure the baud rates of the radio and GNSS receiver match.
4. Confirm RTK Corrections on the GNSS Rover
- Monitor the GNSS receiver's:
- Fix Type: Should display "RTK FIXED"
- Correction Age: Ideally around 1 second
- Differential ID: Should match the value set in the "RTK Streaming" tab on the base station.
Troubleshooting Tips:
- No LED activity on the base radio? Double-check your base reference coordinate setup and power cycle the radio.
- Rover not receiving a signal?
- Verify that the rover radio settings (frequency, protocol, channel spacing) precisely match the base radio settings.
- Check for any physical obstructions between the base and rover.
- Check rover radio antenna for secure attachment.
- Poor RTK fix or high correction age? Increase transmit power on the base radio, ensure optimal antenna placement, and minimize the distance between the base and rover.
By carefully following these steps and troubleshooting tips, you can ensure a robust and accurate RTK connection for your surveying or mapping applications.
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